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Stop openboxes service

sudo service openboxes stop

Download the latest release

Currently the OpenBoxes with Grails v3 WAR is being built in the Bamboo pipeline. You can get the latest build version with wget

sudo wget

Copy WAR file to webapps

sudo cp openboxes.war /opt/openboxes/openboxes.war

Change file ownership

sudo chown openboxes:openboxes /opt/openboxes/openboxes.war

Restart openboxes service

sudo service openboxes start

Watch Tomcat logs

The deployment could take about 10-20 minutes the first time because the application needs to perform hundreds of database migrations. Keep an eye out for any errors/exceptions that pop up in the in the log and check the Troubleshooting section for details on how to handle these issues.

journalctl -u openboxes.service -f


If you run into an error that's not covered in the Troubleshooting Guide don't hesitate to email support. Please describe the problem in as much detail as you can and attach the catalina.out log from your Tomcat instance.