Configuration Locations
As mentioned in the installation instructions, you can override application configuration properties by creating a configuration file in one of the supported locations.
The first config file has the lowest priority. Its contents can be overwritten by any file following it that sets the same config key. In other words, the last config file has the final word (highest priority).
- classpath:META-INF/
- file:${catalina.base}/.grails/
- file:${catalina.base}/.grails/openboxes-config.groovy
- file:${catalina.base}/.grails/openboxes.yml
- ~/.grails/
- ~/.grails/openboxes-config.groovy
- ~/.grails/openboxes.yml
We recommend using the following config file location for new installations.
However, we also support legacy formats (.properties, .groovy) from previous versions of OpenBoxes. So if you're migrating from a server running the 0.8.x application, you can simply copy the files from your existing implementation.
If you are deploying the application to a server, the config file is usually located under
the $TOMCAT_HOME/.grails/
directory. This directory is not created for you so you'll need to
run the following commands to create the file and make it accessible by the Tomcat user.
sudo mkdir /opt/tomcat/.grails
sudo touch /opt/tomcat/.grails/openboxes.yml
sudo chown tomcat:tocmat /opt/tomcat/.grails/openboxes.yml
If you are having trouble locating where the application is looking for the file you can determine the path by deploying the application to Tomcat and checking the log file. The first few lines of the Tomcat catalina.out file display the path(s) being used.
INFO: Deploying web application archive openboxes.war
Using configuration locations [classpath:openboxes-config.groovy,,
file:/opt/tomcat/.grails/openboxes-config.groovy, file:/opt/tomcat/.grails/openboxes-] [staging]
Unable to load specified config location classpath:openboxes-config.groovy : class path resource
[openboxes-config.groovy] cannot be opened because it does not exist
Unable to load specified config location : class path resource
[] cannot be opened because it does not exist
Unable to load specified config location file:/opt/tomcat/.grails/openboxes-config.groovy :
/opt/tomcat/.grails/openboxes-config.groovy (No such file or directory)
You can safely ignore the Unable to load specified config location errors for the file locations that you are not using. Notice in the example log file that there are four (4) configuration locations, but only three (3) config locations that could not be loaded. That means that there was one (1) file found and loaded at one of the config file locations. Namely,
That will tell you which file you need to edit.
If none of the files were loaded, then you should create a new file at the location of the
Overriding Configuration Locations¶
If you should need to override the default configuration locations, you can create custom
externalized configuration locations by placing them in an external file
and loading them via openboxes.yml
by changing the default config locations.
- classpath:openboxes-overrides.yml
- /etc/openboxes/openboxes-config.groovy
Please note that overriding the default config locations will likely remove the default locations.