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Provision Resources

The following is a guide for provisioning a Virtual Machine using a generic cloud provider.

Choose a Hosting Provider

Select one of the hosting providers based on your budget, region, and preference.

Create Account and Log In

Create an account and log in to the provider’s console.

Select a Virtual Machine Instance Type

Choose an instance type or plan that meets the hardware requirements specified above.

Configure the VM

  • Operating System: Choose a Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu 22.04 LTS).
  • Region: Select a data center region close to your users.
  • Storage: Allocate at least 50 GB of SSD storage.


Configure security groups or firewalls to allow inbound connections on necessary ports (e.g., 80, 443, 3306, 8080).

Launch the Virtual Machine

Follow the provider's instructions to launch the VM. Take note of the VM's public IP address and SSH access details.

Access the Virtual Machine

Use SSH to connect to your VM.

ssh username@your_vm_ip_address


You can usually add your public key to the hosting provider configuration for passwordless access to the server. If you did not configure a public key then you will likely be prompted for a password.

Post-Deployment Configuration

Update system packages and install necessary dependencies as outlined in the installation guide.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo reboot    


Once your virtual machine is provisioned, you are ready to install dependencies, configure basic settings, and deploy the application. This guide provides a starting point for setting up the infrastructure needed to host the application effectively.

For further assistance and installation details, please refer to the OpenBoxes Installation Guide.

If you need more detailed instructions for a specific provider or have any other questions, feel free to ask!