Deploy Application
Stop Tomcat service¶
We recommend stopping the Tomcat service to allow you to have full control over the deployment process and to avoid partial downloads causing deployment issues.
Download the latest stable release¶
Download the latest nightly build into the Tomcat webapps directory.
As of January 2025, OpenBoxes 0.9.x is only available through our Bamboo CI/CD pipeline. This is a stable release of version 0.9.3 that has been thoroughly tested and deployed to production environments. However, we would like to publish a draft version of our Upgrade Guide before making the official release available to the public via GitHub Releases.
Once we have officially released OpenBoxes 0.9.x to the community, the latest official release will be available from our GitHub Release page along with Release Notes.
Change ownership¶
Start Tomcat instance¶
Monitor Tomcat logs¶
The deployment should take a few minutes (5-10 minutes at most). The majority of that time will be spent executing Liquibase database migrations (DDL statements) that create and update the OpenBoxes data model.
We highly recommend that you monitor the Tomcat stdout logs during deployment in order to catch any unexpected errors. You should keep an eye out for any exception stacktraces that occur in the logs, but be aware that some exceptions are normal. Check the Troubleshooting section for details on how to handle these issues.
To tail the log
If you run into an error that's not covered in the Troubleshooting Guide don't hesitate to contact support.
If you post to our community forum or GitHub issues, please describe the problem in as much detail as you can and include the catalina.out log from your Tomcat instance.